To fill out an application for assistance, please click here. Please know that filling out an application does not guarantee assistance. Please email the form to Thank you!
Each day we hear of an individual or family living right here in Woodford County who find themselves in a crisis situation and in need of essential human services.
Here at Heartline, we can assist with rent, utilities, food, diapers/formula, clothing, household or hygiene products, prescription drug, and gas or transportation. However, Heartline is not an agency that simply distributes funds on whim. Rather, our Program Manager works one on one with each client to get to the root of the situation that brought clients to this crisis point to determine if funds will be distributed. Typically, an action plan is requested as to how to prevent future crises.
Heartline also serves as a county-wide referral program to other outside organizations and agencies. We strive to maintain an up-to-date database with accurate referral information for county and state organizations, essentially serving as a professional liaison between our local and state organizations and the individuals and families who need them. We work specifically with the following:
Tazwood Community Services
County-wide Food Pantries
Health Departments
Department of Human Services
Woodford County Housing Authority
Township Supervisors
Utility Companies
Heartline is a distributing agent for such organizations as the FEMA Grant, The Salvation Army, Peoria Journal Star, churches and Energy Assistance Foundation. Through these organizations, we are able to disburse funds and vouchers at our discretion to assist families and individuals in Woodford County with such items as:
energy/water assistance
rent assistance
prescription medication assistance
government identification forms
paper products
In addition, we are able to further assist the residents of Woodford County as our donor supported funds allow.
Do you need assistance? Please contact the Heartline Administrative Office at (309) 467-6101 to make an appointment to apply for services. Appointments are typically available within 2 business days of your initial contact. Every effort is made to attend to emergency needs immediately.
““Heartline really helped me get through some difficult times in my life and taught me how to manage my financial statements. It’s a good place to go when you have no where else to go, and want to feel at home. They helped me get my life back together, and the best part was knowing that the people were there and willing to help me do it.” ”